From a short story by the talented Yiyun Li, After a Life, which grapples with sankhara-dukkha.
The young cousin has become the stooping husband. The perfect life has turned out less so. The year Beibei reached ten—a miracle worth celebrating—her husband brought up the idea of a second baby. Why? she asked, and he talked about a healthier marriage, a more complete family. She did not understand his reasoning, and she knew, even when Jian was growing in her belly, that they would get a good baby but it would do nothing to save them from what had been destroyed. They had built a world around Beibei, but her husband decided to turn away from it in search of a family more like other people’s. Mrs Su found it hard to understand, but wasn’t there an old saying about men always being interested in changing, and women in preservation? A woman accepted anything from life and made the best of it; a man bargained for the better but also the less perfect.
It amazes and saddens Mrs Su that Beibei’s life is so obstinate that it has outlived the love that once made it.
Full short story here.